The result is a rather inedible plate that will have you wishing someone brought more of Pierre’s excellent side dishes like Farewell Continental to the table. Songs that seem like they have the potential to become classics just burn up like your less cool uncle’s hot dogs. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to be talking to you at the family reunion either. This record finds frontman and head songwriter, Justin Pierre, listless and shaky – qualities that usually bode well for an MCS release, but fall tragically flat here. The problem with “Go” is that it’s just alright, which is absolutely terrible for a Motion City Soundtrack album. Maybe you’ll see them at a cookout every once in a while, but that’s about it. Sure, they seem fine, but they’re definitely not as cool as your uncle that let you drink beer in the eighth grade. If Motion City Soundtrack albums were your extended family, then “Go” would be like your 4th or 5th cousin whose name you can never remember. Neither The Hard Times nor its subsidiaries, current or future, can be held legally responsible for injuries sustained from any attempt to do a handstand on your desk during the reading of this article. Time to fire up your old LiveJournal account while we rank all six of their studio offerings! Before we get started though, our legal team has asked us to state the following: If you haven’t visited their discography in a while, you’re long overdue.

Motion City Soundtrack were the undersung torch-bearers of Midwestern Emo long before the genre was appropriated by wildly inaccurate TikTok videos.